Archive for April, 2009

Detlin Kit Car Show 2009

April 16, 2009

We went to detlin kit car show this year, we missed last year.  We walked around all day it was a good day out we enjoyed our selfs a lot. Cant wait to actualy start building and and complete our project so we can show it off at shows our self.

CVH rebuild

April 10, 2009

Sorry for the late update life is not in our favour atm, lost my job so got no money to fund my dream for a little while.  I went to my shed feeling dishartend, I stood there for a few minuits wondering what I should do.  Then it came to me, I picked up my socket set and started to take the engine to bits.  Before I took every thing out of the donor I was driving it for a while the engine needed slight attention.


1,  smoked when it started up (due to age it may be stem sills)

2,  gear box or diff a bit slack

There was no major problems with donor.  I took the head off and there was 16 years of carbon deposit on the piston crowns and on conbustion chamber what came off easily.  I scraped off the rest with a brass scraper and the left over head gasket.  I degreased the whole block and gasket surfaces and was happy with the end result gasket surfaces came up like new and you could still see factory machining mark on surfaces and bores.  The engine is a low milage engine and was only used to go shopping once a week before I had it.